We want to help improve the livelihoods of individuals, households and communities affected by Tangguh – by strengthening their capacity to plan and manage their own development
We want to help improve the livelihoods of individuals, households and communities affected by Tangguh – by strengthening their capacity to plan and manage their own development
The challenges facing people who live in Directly Affected Villages (DAVs) are complex. The Bintuni Bay area is difficult to reach, and poor public transport leaves many communities isolated. Educational standards are low and many villagers are illiterate, with the remainder educated only to elementary level. There are a number of elementary, junior high and high schools, but these are under-funded, with insufficient teachers and poor resources. Adverse water and sanitation conditions, poor hygiene, poor nutrition together with many communicable tropical disease (Malaria, Tuberculosis, etc) lead to high morbidity and mortality rates. This is further exacerbated by the lack of doctors, paramedics and medical supplies. The Community Development-Communtiy Action Program (CAP) is focused on nine Directly Affected Villages – Weriagar, Mogotira, Tomu, Ekam, Taroi, Tomage-Otoweri, Saengga, Tanah Merah and Tofoi – and a number of indirectly affected villages including Sebyar Rejosari and Irarutu – III.
Our Communtiy Action Program for DAVs commits us to provide DAVs with an annual development fund of US$30,000 for ten years. Program implementation relies upon a participatory community-level planning process to identify, prioritise, plan, and implement community development programs.
On the ground, CAP staff work as facilitators to stimulate community planning and action. Every year, all participating villages identify their needs and priorities. Once these have been agreed, CAP staff assist villagers to develop proposals and subsequently identify the necessary expertise to help implement the projects. In this way other parties including NGOs and local government bodies are involved in the program.
Local actions
Different communities have elected to use the development funds put at their disposal in different ways. Most have made the improvement of basic infrastructure a first priority before longer-term capacity building measures are put in place. Development funds have been used to construct walkways, jetties, bridges and substantial civil resources such as clinics, along with the renovation of mosques, churches and other existing structures. At the household level villages have sought to develop and install latrines and rainwater collection technologies.
Funds have also been used to improve livelihoods in a variety of ways. A number of villages have sought to procure basic tools and equipment to faciliate agriculture and marine-based livelihood activities (eg outboard motors, trammel nets to catch prawns, freezers for storage of harvested prawns). In addition various capacity building initiatives have been implemented including outboard motor and generator maintenance, sewing and even cookie-making to support small scale business ventures. Some villages are condsidering establishing co-operative enterprises.
Finally schools will receive much needed furniture and books, while scholarships are being set up for local children and additional fees paid to teachers.
Finally schools will receive much needed furniture and books, while scholarships are being set up for local children and additional fees paid to teachers.

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